Thursday, December 25, 2014

How to make sate coconut oil recipes


how to make coconut sate oil


400 Gram chicken fillets, cut box
75 Gram skin chicken, cut into pieces
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper


200 Gram coarse grated coconut


4 Item onion
2 cloves garlic
2 cm turmeric, burned
1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
1/2 teaspoon sugar


200 Gram peanut shell, fried, mashed
2 Fruit curly red chili, mashed
2 Fruit red chili sauce, mashed
50 gram brown sugar comb
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
300 ml of warm water


2 Tablespoon fried onions for topping
2 Tablespoon soy sauce


Marinate chicken fillet and skin the chicken with salt and pepper, let stand 1 hour in refrigerator
Puncture-chicken skewer inserted while the chicken skin
Seasoning oil: mix the spices and coconut grated coconut
Wrap skewers with coconut flavoring
Fuel while inverted until fragrant and cooked
mix all ingredients beans, stir
Serve skewers with spices nuts and complementary
(TIPS): If you prefer a more absorbing coconut, coconut just stir together the chicken, then stabbed

It's been a long time blogger not post writing again ya, new sempet now to write again.
The theme this time is How to Make Coconut new Sate able to publish again ya.
Surely everyone in general like dishes such as satay. Sate lot of various forms exist satay chicken, goat satay, satay marranggi, and many other various forms of Sate. Well, this time is different bloggers discuss the theme of satay in general, this is the Sate Oil, which certainly rare to be heard. To the mothers and women in general must try dishes this one, Sate Oil, which certainly was a family at home really liked this one dish

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


this time in the original recipe Indonesian cuisine discuss the theme of how to cook soup. okay, just in see how to cook soup.


Vegetable Soup Recipe Ingredients

1 carrot, peeled, washed, cut to taste
1 piece of cauliflower or cauliflower, washed and cut into pieces
1 piece of broccoli, washed, cut into pieces
1 oz peas, rinsed
1 leek, washed, cut to taste
2 stalks celery
Fried red onion, for sprinkling
Enough water

Seasoning Ingredients Vegetable Soup

2 cloves garlic, geprek
1 teaspoon pepper
Salt to taste
Flavor, taste
if you do not want to bother to use any seasoning soup racik of Indofood or other brands.

How to Make Vegetable Soup

1. Heat water to boiling, add carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, wait until 3/4 cooked.
2. Enter the peas, leeks, and celery.
3. Add seasoning, stir, turn off the heat and serve with a sprinkling of fried onions.

Tips on How to Make Vegetable Soup

1. If you want to add chicken or shrimp or chicken claw in the soup, how after boiling water enter the chicken already cut a little small, after a half-baked, then enter a vegetable.
2. If you want to add macroni in soup, how after the soup cooked, add macroni then turn off the fire. because later will macroni own software because the sauce is still hot soup.


Kali ini di Resep Asli Masakan Indonesia membahas cara membuat jus jeruk dalam bahasa inggris. Sebenernya pasti semua orang sudah tau bagaimana cara membuat jus jeruk ini, tetapi kali ini admin membahas lagi bagaimana cara membuatnya. Oke, langsung saja kita simak ulasan cara membuat jus jeruk.

                                                            Cara Membuat Jus Jeruk 

                                                     How To Make Orange Juice

how to make orange juice
Orange Juice

Ingredients :

5 fresh oranges fruit
40 ml sugar water
A cup of ice cubes.
220 ml boiled water

How to make Orange Juice :

1. Take the oranges fruit, peel it and take the seed away. Then put it in the blender.
2. Add the ice cubes and sugar water. Do not forget to put water.
3. Blend it at least 3 minutes.
4. Serve it


Kali ini di Resep asli masakan indonesia membahas tema cara membuat pancake coklat dalam bahasa inggris. Resep pancake coklat ini bisa di sajikan di saat hari weekend atau hari libur lainnya dan sangat nikmat sekali untuk di nikmati seluruh keluarga. Oke, langsung saja kita lihat cara membuat pancake coklatnya.

                         Brown Sauce Pancake


  • 200 grams of cake flour
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 30 grams of margarine
  • 150 ml of milk
  • 35 grams of sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon of salt
  • 10 grams of cocoa powder
  • 50 grams of cooking chocolate slab
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch dissolved in 1/2 teaspoon water

How to make:
  • Sift flour, sugar, and baking powder. Add the salt. Stir well. Set aside.
  • Mix eggs and milk. Stir well. Pour into flour mixture gradually while stirring.
  • Enter a little melted margarine, stirring gently.
  • Pour a small ladle on a flat griddle. Let the origin skinned. Allow to mature.
  • Cook and stir until boiling for the sauce, boiled milk, sugar, salt, cocoa powder. Enter the cornstarch solution. Stir until bubbling. Turn off the flame. Add cooked brown soupy. Stir until dissolved.
  • Serve the pancakes with the sauce.


Kali ini Resep asli masakan indonesia akan membahas cara membuat ayam goreng, tetapi kali ini, bahasa yang digunakan dalam bentuk inggris - indonesia. oke langsung saja kita simak di Resep asli masakan indonesia 
Ingredients of Fried Chicken:

  • 1 chicken (about 3 pounds), cut into 8 pieces
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper
  • vegetable oil
Optional ingredients:
  • sauce (tommato or chili)
  • 1/2 – 1 tomato or cucumber finely chopped
Terjemahan cara membuat ayam goreng dalam Bahasa Inggris Indonesia untuk bahan membuat ayam goreng:

Bahan untuk membuat ayam goreng sederhana:

  • Seekor ayam sekitar 1,3 Kg yang sudah dipotong-potong sebanyak 8 potong
  • 1 1/2 sendok teh garam
  • 1 1/2 cangkir tepung
  • 1 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • minyak sayur atau minyak goreng
Bahan tambahan:
  • Saus (saus tomat atau saus sambal)
  • 1/2- 1 tomat atau mentimun yang sudah dipotong-potong atau diiris

Cara Membuat Ayam Goreng Dalam Bahasa Inggris Indonesia

How to make fried chicken:
  1. Pat the chicken dry.ayam bagian dada pixabay
  2. Combine the salt, flour, and ground pepper in a large, shallow bowl.Bumbum ayam goreng wikihow
  3. Dredge or put the chicken in the flour mixture, shaking off the excess. Set aside for about 15 minutes.Bumbum ayam goreng wikihow 2
  4. Heat the oil in the pan. Add about 1 cm of oil to the pan.Bumbum ayam goreng wikihow 3
  5. Fry the chicken in the shallow oil for about 4–5 minutes. The chickens are done when they are brown.memasak ayam goreng 5
  6. Remove from the heat.
  7. Fried chicken is ready to serve. Add additional ingredients such as tomato or cucumber  if available.Ayam goreng enak

Cara membuat ayam goreng:

  1. Keringkan ayam dengan menepuk-nepuknya.
  2. Campurkan garam, tepung, dan bubuk merica ke dalam mangkuk besar.
  3. Bumbui secara merata atau masukkan ayam ke dalam mangkuk tersebut, bolak-balikkan secara merata. Diamkan sekitar 15 menit.
  4. Panaskan minyak goreng atau minyak sayur di dalam panci. Tuang hingga tingginya sekitar 1 cm memenuhi panci.
  5. Goreng atau rendam ayam ke dalam panci yang penuh dengan minyak goreng sekitar 4-5 menit. Jika warna ayam terlihat cokelat, maka ayam sudah siap diangkat.
  6. Angkat ayam.
  7. Ayam goreng siap disajikan. Jika ada, tambahkan tomat atau mentimun.

How to make sauteed chicken fried rice

Kali ini di Resep asli masakan indonesia ingin berbagi resep mengolah nasi goreng. tetapi yang membedakan pengolahan nasi goreng kali ini adalah penggunaan bahasanya dalam bahasa inggris. oke, langsung saja kita simak cara membuat nasi goreng ayam spesial di resep asli masakan indonesia.

                                               RESEP NASI GORENG AYAM SPESIAL
                                                  How to make sauteed chicken fried rice

Cara membuat nasi goreng ayam spesial asli masakan indonesia

Ingredients for sauteed chicken fried rice :

- 200 gram of fluffier rice, wash and drain it

Ingredients of sauteed chicken :

- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 2 cloves of garlic, mince it
- 1/2 cm of ginger , slice it  into small pieces
- 50 gr of carrots, slice thinly crosswise
- 1 stalk of spring onion, cut
- 1 pcs of big red chili, slice into thin pieces
- 200 gr of skinless chicken thighs , cut into 1 x 1 cm
- 2 tablespoons of bottled chili sauce
- 1 tablespoons of coy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoons of pepper
- 1 tsp of salt
- 500 ml of broth / water
   topping :
- 1 tsp of fried shallots

How to make sauteed chicken fried rice :

1. Sauteed chicken : heat sapo over medium heat, stir fry garlic and ginger until fragrant, add the carrots, onions, and peppers, stir them until wilted. enter the chicken, stir until stiff, add the spices and stir well
2. Enter the rice , stir until blended
3. Pour the broth , bring to a boil over low heat until rice is tender, if it is less soft, add broth/ hot water , continue to cook until the rice cooked, lift
4. Let the covered pot for a while , serve when it is still warm

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Here is a recipe How to Make Tofu Fried Yellow Galangal you might want to cook for a family member at home
Make a dish that requires precision in the compounding process marinade. So that the result is tasty and delicious. Do not worry to make because we update this information to complete it for you.


How to Make Tofu Fried Yellow Galangal
- Yellow Fried Tofu Galangal
- The materials / ingredients:
- 6 pieces out of yellow, cut two triangular sections
- 100 grams of grated ginger
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
- 1 teaspoon of tamarind
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 500 ml of water
- Ground Spices:
- 6 red onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 teaspoon coriander
- 2 cm turmeric, fuel

How To Make Tofu Fried Yellow Galangal :
Boil all ingredients and spices over medium heat until absorbed.
Fried tofu in a preheated oil over medium heat until cooked.
Yellowish fried leftover marinade origin.
Serves 6

Thus the info Yellow Fried Tofu Recipes Make Galangal we say to you who love the hobby cook. Hopefully can add your reference and insight into the culinary world. ikutin continue to update how to cook in Original Recipe Indonesian cuisine

how to make a dry spicy tempe original recipes indonesian

Perhaps this new Indonesian recipes can help you in the search for future reference materials you cook. Even this time we will discuss the refined cuisine delicious dish, the recipe Make Spicy Dry Tempe suitable for those who like a challenge to cook innovative dishes
Materials needed to make a dish that is not too hard to find. If you can follow the steps in the process to make sure it will feel easy when you make

Raw foods made from soy beans is already close to our society. Yes, tempeh often a friend to enjoy the white rice. Lots of dishes that can be made from soybean serve this. Come on, now we make tempeh dry with little bold flavor.

Materials / ingredients:
700 grams of tempeh, cut into 4 × 1/2 cm, fried until dry
100 grams of beans tolo, brewed hot water
3 lime leaves, chopped fine
2 bay leaves
2 cm galangal, crushed
75 grams of brown sugar, finely combed
1/2 teaspoon salt
50 ml tamarind water 2 teaspoons of acid and 50 ml of water dissolved
2 tablespoons oil for frying
Ground Spices:
2 large red chilies
5 red chilies curly
3 pieces of red chili sauce
6 red onions
3 cloves of garlic

How to make:
Tolo fried beans to dry. Set aside.
Saute ground spices, lime leaves, bay leaves, and galangal until fragrant.
Put brown sugar, salt and tamarind water. Stir until thick.
Add tempeh and bean tolo. Stir well.
To 400 grams

Recipes How to Make Spicy Dry Tempe hopefully can help you in the search needs of culinary reference source..


Here is a recipe Make Scrambled Tofu specials you might want to cook for a family member at home.
Make a dish that requires precision in the compounding process marinade. So that the result is tasty and delicious. Do not worry to make because we update this information to complete it for you.
cara membuat dadar tahu spesial
Scrambled eggs this time even more special. Not only eggs used are duck eggs, but this time omelet served with a sauce that adds to complete this dish.

Materials / ingredients:
250 grams of tofu, thinly sliced
3 eggs duck
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
1 leek, finely sliced

2 tablespoons soy sauce
10 pieces of cayenne pepper, crushed
1 teaspoon vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt

How To Make:
Beat eggs, salt, pepper, and scallions.
Pour in pan that has been spread with oil. Tata out. Allow to mature. Lift.
Sauce: Mix all ingredients together. Stir well.
Serve with the sauce omelet know.
To 4 pieces

Thus the info Recipes Make Scrambled Tofu Recipes Accommodation Original Cuisine Indonesia who we say to you who love the hobby cook. Hopefully can add your reference and insight into the culinary world


Maybe Recipes Make Rice Tutug Oncom, is suitable to be presented to your friends or relatives practiced for home
Recipe ingredients make this dish was not too troublesome and complicated. You can get it easily. If these dishes have made sure the result yahut and delicious
Cara memasak nasi tutug oncom di resep masakan indonesia baru
After the party had passed, it's time we started to launch a new menu that will be in demand. What if we serve together rice packets classic menu menu but is always looking for people like the menu below.

250 grams oncom, fuel
750 grams of white rice hot
1 1/2 teaspoon salt

Seasoning Ingredients:
10 cm (35 grams) kencur
7 red onions
4 cloves of garlic
3 red chilies curly
5 pieces of red chili sauce

3 sprigs thyme
1 cucumber, cut into pieces
300 grams of salted fish, beef, and fried
5 pieces of fried tofu
5 pieces of fried tempeh

How To Cook:
Wrap in aluminum foil seasoning. Fuel until fragrant and cooked.
Kencur puree, onion, garlic, red chili curly, red cayenne pepper, and salt in a pestle and mortar.
Add oncom. Coarse grind. Enter the hot rice. Stir well.
Serve with complementary.
To 5 servings

Had that information about Tutug Recipes Cooking Recipes Oncom in New Indonesia we can inform you of your home.


Perhaps these recipes can help you in the search for future reference materials you cook. Even this time we will discuss the refined cuisine delicious dish is, of course dishes this one will feel yahut when made. Cooking Recipes Soup Goat Leg suitable for those who like a challenge to cook innovative dishes
Materials needed to make a dish that is not too hard to find. If you can follow the steps in the process to make sure it will feel easy when you create original recipes Indonesian cuisine this one.

500 grams of goat thighs, cut into pieces
1 bay leaf
2 cm ginger, crushed
1,000 ml of water
3 cm cinnamon
3 grains of cloves, roasted
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1500 ml of water
200 ml of liquid milk
1 tablespoon cumin oil
3 tablespoons oil for frying
Ground Spices:
4 red onions
3 cloves of garlic

Supplementary Material:
soy sauce
1 tomato
1 stalk celery, sliced
1 stalk celery, tied
2 leeks, cut into rough
2 betel lime
100 grams of fried chips
chili sauce

How To Cook:
Boiled goat thigh, bay leaves, ginger and water to boiling and soft. Remove and discard the water.
Heat the oil. Saute ground spices, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves until fragrant. Add goat thigh. Stir well.
Add water, salt, and pepper. Cook until cooked and the meat is tender.
Pour liquid milk. Cook until boiling. Add cumin oil ahead of the appointed.
Serve with complementary.
To 5 servings

Feet Soup Recipes Cooking Goat hopefully can help you in the search needs of culinary reference source. Surely this would be delicious recipes created when you pour it with all your abilities. If you are sure of the recipes on this one, there is nothing wrong if you make it.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Chicken meat is meat that is very popular as a food a day - our day. in addition to beef, meat consumption is in the community is very large. many types of processed chicken meat dishes made from one of them is the chicken nuggets.

hear the word nugget, you surely remember the ads on TV about the nugget, right. The famous brand, do not be called, yes. know their own right. there may be some of you who think it is difficult to make nuggets. it's all not true. you can really make your own simple chicken nuggets. of the purchase nuggets packaging, better make your own. because the quality and the material is guaranteed. and certainly without preservatives such as nuggets packaging. is not it?

recipes for chicken nugget is pretty easy anyway, the cost is also less expensive than if you buy in the supermarket. know their own right, what price nuggets packing now. counted - counted also adds to the experience of cooking. anyway nuggets are also very favored children - children. ready to cook? ok. The following recipe tasty chicken nuggets:
Resep Nugget Ayam
 chicken nugget

Materials and Seasoning Chicken Nugget:

Prepare chicken fillets that have been in 250 grams .. pieces - a rough cut of the chicken.

fresh liquid milk 50 ml.

1 tablespoon flour.

1 whole chicken eggs only.

cornstarch or corn flour 80 grams.

fruit puree 2 cloves of garlic.

pepper powder about - about half a teaspoon.

flavoring to taste.

cooking oil as needed.

and salt to taste alone

Chicken Nugget coating materials:

coarse bread flour 150 grams.

wheat flour 25 grams.

3 eggs and chicken eggs. break, add half a teaspoon of salt. and whipped eggs.

How to Make Chicken Nugget:

prepare food processor tool. which is a tool for grinding spices and meat.

input into food processor, chicken already in fillets, chicken eggs, garlic that has been in puree, salt, flavorings, pepper powder and liquid milk. milled until smooth and blended.

input also cornmeal or cornstarch together flour. milled until mixed.

prepare a container or pan and spread with a little cooking oil.

input batter into pan. and steam for about 30 minutes. after the chill.

when cool, cut - cut as you like, or the form of nuggets normally.

piece nuggets, roll - roll into flour, then dip into the egg that has been whipped, then roll in bread crumbs to the well.

then fried nuggets, fried oil rather a lot. try submerged in order to evenly fry.

after being cooked, ready to eat with the family.

The minced chicken nugget recipe may be useful for mothers of all, and is suitable for on serve with family


The rainy season is the most delicious to eat warm food. especially the fry and fresh. What behold? again imagine what? heck if I'm imagining a favor and segernya soup, yes soup. definitely delicious.

talk - talk with dishes such thing as soup, do not you ever heard the name Soto Lamongan, is not never heard definitely lives in the woods or abroad. hehe kidding bro. soup from Lamongan city is indeed sudang cetar formations in this country.

savory taste and fresh, with typical clear broth and sliced chicken, can be called soto Lamongan is one variation of chicken soup recipe. Soto Lamongan it comprises several ingredients are: sliced chicken, soup broth, rice with additional complementary chicken egg, bean sprouts, lime and cabbage.

The fundamental difference soup recipe Lamongan with holy soup recipe, soto Betawi, or with soup - soup the other is the clear yellow sauce that comes from the seasonings - spices such as turmeric, nutmeg, coriander and others. how do? interested in cooking this soup for a family? Chicken soup recipe below Lamongan:
Resep Soto Lamongan

Soto Lamongan Making Materials:

800 grams of chicken meat.

cooking oil 2 tablespoons for sauteing.

ginger as one segment only. then crushed ginger.

galangal with a size of 4 cm. then crushed with a hit - hit.

clove much as 3 point only.

salt to taste.

Ground Spices:

as many as 5 pieces of red onion.

4 cloves of garlic as much as any.

as many as half a teaspoon pepper only.

as much as 1 teaspoon coriander, roasted ketumbarnya.

hazelnut much as 6 eggs, then roasted.

turmeric size of 2 cm.

Complementary materials Soto Lamongan:

50 grams cabbage, sliced - thinly sliced.

suun 50 grams, and lunakan with hot water and scissors - the suun scissors.

2 stalks celery pieces. and sliced - thinly sliced.

fried onions 2 tablespoons.

fried garlic 1 tablespoon.

chicken eggs as much as 3 eggs, then boiled.

boiled chili sauce, lemon and shrimp crackers.

How To Make Soto Lamongan:

First boiled chicken meat with spices first, wait until tender, use a medium heat in a boiling.

after being cooked and tender remove chicken meat, and broth from the chicken meat stew see if reach 1 liter, if not add water.

then saute ground spices until fragrant smell, then input into the broth before, input celery, clove powder input to the broth, and salt and pepper to taste input koyah garlic and bring to a boil.

How to Make Koya:


10 cloves garlic, thinly - sliced and make your own garlic fries.

75 grams shrimp crackers, fried until cooked.

How to make:

Garlic fries and crackers was mashed and mixed into one, for topping ingredients to the soup.

How to eat Soto Ayam Lamongan:

in 1 cup of prepared food: rice, suun, then egg and shredded chicken, then pour the hot soup broth, Dab Koya garlic, celery and potato chips taste.

and serve with soy sauce, chili sauce, prawn crackers and lemon slices.

Allowed to try on serve during the holidays or the day "weekend.


Ice green bananas is a typical drink from the city of Makassar. This drink has a main ingredient tepun banana wrapped in green. In addition to fresh, this drink is also filling. In Indonesia we have encountered many places that provide and sell iced green bananas. How to make ice makasar green bananas is quite simple and can be practiced at home. If you want to know more about the recipe and how to make iced green bananas typical macassar. can refer to the following reviews.

Cara Membuat Es Pisang Ijo

Main ingredients:
300 ml of water (clean)
100 ml water suji leaves
3 drops of food coloring (green)
175 grams of rice flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
40 grams of rice flour again
5 pieces of plantain that is quite old and peeled
red syrup in moderation
shaved ice just enough

Materials for its ice sauce namely:
pandan leaf
50 grams of wheat flour (good quality)
75 grams of white sugar
650 ml coconut milk
1/4 teaspoon salt

How to make the most delicious iced green bananas in the following ways:
First of all, campurkanlah are the various materials such as rice flour (175 grams), water (clean), salt, water suji leaves and green food coloring. Then boil, stirring, stirring. After boiling, remove it.
Then again Increase rice flour (40 grams), then stir to become dull.
Furthermore pipihkan and trimmed dough, and the dough just Wraps banana banana king king until completely covered.
After the banana mixture was boiled just until cooked, yes approximately 20-min. After mature lift it and set it aside for a while.

How to make the sauce:
Combine a variety of materials that have been prepared for the sauce before. Then boil a few moments until boiling. After boiling, remove from heat and let stand just let cool.

How to serve:
Take just a glass or can also bowl, up to you. Then just cut his green bananas into pieces and enter. Then enter the shaved ice and do not forget to pour the sauce. As a final touch enter the red syrup. So deh and ice green bananas ready to eat.
Similarly, recipes and how to make iced green bananas macassar