Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How to make sauteed chicken fried rice

Kali ini di Resep asli masakan indonesia ingin berbagi resep mengolah nasi goreng. tetapi yang membedakan pengolahan nasi goreng kali ini adalah penggunaan bahasanya dalam bahasa inggris. oke, langsung saja kita simak cara membuat nasi goreng ayam spesial di resep asli masakan indonesia.

                                               RESEP NASI GORENG AYAM SPESIAL
                                                  How to make sauteed chicken fried rice

Cara membuat nasi goreng ayam spesial asli masakan indonesia

Ingredients for sauteed chicken fried rice :

- 200 gram of fluffier rice, wash and drain it

Ingredients of sauteed chicken :

- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 2 cloves of garlic, mince it
- 1/2 cm of ginger , slice it  into small pieces
- 50 gr of carrots, slice thinly crosswise
- 1 stalk of spring onion, cut
- 1 pcs of big red chili, slice into thin pieces
- 200 gr of skinless chicken thighs , cut into 1 x 1 cm
- 2 tablespoons of bottled chili sauce
- 1 tablespoons of coy sauce
- 1/2 teaspoons of pepper
- 1 tsp of salt
- 500 ml of broth / water
   topping :
- 1 tsp of fried shallots

How to make sauteed chicken fried rice :

1. Sauteed chicken : heat sapo over medium heat, stir fry garlic and ginger until fragrant, add the carrots, onions, and peppers, stir them until wilted. enter the chicken, stir until stiff, add the spices and stir well
2. Enter the rice , stir until blended
3. Pour the broth , bring to a boil over low heat until rice is tender, if it is less soft, add broth/ hot water , continue to cook until the rice cooked, lift
4. Let the covered pot for a while , serve when it is still warm

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